SammerHammer's Blog
Friday, April 10, 2015
Red Scare
The Red Scare might sound like a plague that hit medieval Europe back in the day. However, it was a plague of terror that struck the U.S. The Red Scare is the fear of communism and the fear that people might be promoting it. Of course, Communism and America does not mix very well. America made investigations in the film industry and ten directors did not answer questions that were asked to them. This caused them to be thrown in jail. President Truman questioned government officials to see if they were loyal or disloyal. Out of 3 million interrogated, 200 were found to be "disloyal." The Red Scare may have met its peak when Senator Joe McCarthy said there were 205 known Communists in the U.S. Department of State. He waved a list to a crowd once with the name of the known Communists. His spreading of fear was later called McCarthyism. Many fellow Senators viewed him as a joke and McCarthy was later proved wrong when there was no evidence that anyone in the U.S. Department of State were communists. McCarthy's popularity plummeted to an all time low. That is why it is called the Red Scare. If you mention the word Communist or Communism or say that guy is a communist, we all become paranoid and suspicious.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
North Korea
It all began when North Korea tried to take over South Korea and become one big Korea. The U.S. interfered because the U.S. rallied behind a policy known as Containment. The Containment Policy means that the U.S. can freely enter a war if communism is being pushed onto another country. Since North Korea was communistic and lead by the Stalin-inspired dictator Kim-Il-sung, U.S. came right into play to defend the democratic nation of South Korea. This lead to the Korean Wars. The Soviet Union helped North Korea in their cause to take over communistic control over South Korea which led to America and the Soviet Union to be fighting against each other in a war for once. U.S. did not interfere until North Korea pursued control toward the capital of South Korea, Seoul. Once Seoul was almost under North Korea's belt, Big Brother United States came right over to start the Korean War.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Agriculture in Soviet Union and United States
Agriculture is a very important aspect to a country's economy. It racks in bucks and benefits people by giving food and even something to drink. In fact, $115 billion was made from agricultural products being exported from America to other countries. In this particular blog, we will look the agriculture in the United States and the Soviet Union. No matter the differences, agriculture is vital both and keeps countries on their toes.
The Soviet Union first begin to expand their horizons in agriculture when Mr. Joseph Stalin came to power. Stalin made his First Five Year Plan which would help boost the economy and make the Soviet Union an economic powerhouse. Stalin would make farms in Soviet Union not be ran by individuals but be ran by a group which is known as collective farming. The communist rule believed that if farms were ran collectively that agriculture would run more productively and would produce enough to feed the increasing work force of the Soviet Union. It also gave the idea that peasants would flee from labor and seek work in the cities and that Communist regime could slowly gain more control over the remaining peasants. However, collectivization caused a huge famine and the government now owned all farm property. Agriculture was not a major success in the Soviet Union as it was in the United States.
Agriculture in the United States has always been a big part of the economy. However, many farms have diminished over the years due to rural moving to urban. The majority of farms in America are considered to be small and money from the government known as a subsidy as decreased. Besides the decrease in farms and other factors, agriculture in America is still strong as many rely on Agriculture to feed our people and for us to make a profit.
It helps that America isn't and will hopefully will never become a Communist country and we are free to own our own land without the government interfering and gaining control of our farm property. America is free to plant and decide the fate of our crops and livestock. A different song was sung in Stalin Land, however.
The Soviet Union first begin to expand their horizons in agriculture when Mr. Joseph Stalin came to power. Stalin made his First Five Year Plan which would help boost the economy and make the Soviet Union an economic powerhouse. Stalin would make farms in Soviet Union not be ran by individuals but be ran by a group which is known as collective farming. The communist rule believed that if farms were ran collectively that agriculture would run more productively and would produce enough to feed the increasing work force of the Soviet Union. It also gave the idea that peasants would flee from labor and seek work in the cities and that Communist regime could slowly gain more control over the remaining peasants. However, collectivization caused a huge famine and the government now owned all farm property. Agriculture was not a major success in the Soviet Union as it was in the United States.
Agriculture in the United States has always been a big part of the economy. However, many farms have diminished over the years due to rural moving to urban. The majority of farms in America are considered to be small and money from the government known as a subsidy as decreased. Besides the decrease in farms and other factors, agriculture in America is still strong as many rely on Agriculture to feed our people and for us to make a profit.
It helps that America isn't and will hopefully will never become a Communist country and we are free to own our own land without the government interfering and gaining control of our farm property. America is free to plant and decide the fate of our crops and livestock. A different song was sung in Stalin Land, however.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Germans, Japanese, WWII and 2 Whack Doctors
WWII was one of the most horrid times in the history of planet Earth. Events like the Holocaust or the conquering of Nanking are events to look at and think to ourselves how countries like Japan and Germany do such a thing to many innocent civilians. Both countries pushed America's buttons to enter war but Japan really put the icing on the WWII cake when they bombed Pearl Harbor. As we are taught what barbaric things Germany and Japan did to others, we can't help but still have sour feelings about them, which isn't good because only part of each population decided to take part in the terrible deeds.
Probably the worst thing Germany did was exterminate 6 million Jews known as the Holocaust. A population of 5 million people that were Poles, Gypsies, Homosexuals or mentally/physical handicapped people were also killed bringing a total death toll to 11 million. 11 million innocent people had their blood shed because they weren't liked by Nazis ran by their nutcase leader Adolf Hitler. We see images of poor prisoners in concentration camps slowly dying due to terrible conditions or seeing their innocent eyes in pain as they await a fate that ends with them getting gassed. Atrocious, but all true. America may remember Japan the most for the bombing of Pearl Harbor, but the overtaking of Nanking, China was very barbaric. They killed thousands of Chinese men, women and children. Soldiers would rape innocent and females and toss infants by bayonets. How can people go through with this? All soldiers were brainwashed by dictators, who not only owned their countries, but the minds of the civilians.
Now we look at two doctors who weren't really the kind of doctor you wouldn't want to see call you into their room as you wait in the waiting room. These weren't doctors that tried to nurse you full health, but use you as a lab rat to get ideas how to nurse people to death. These doctors were Josef Mengele of Germany and Shiro Ishii of Japan. Josef Mengele was known as the "Angel of Death." He would run tests on small, innocent children prisoners at concentration camps. He would put his "patients" in pressure chambers, test them with drugs, castrate them and then freeze them to death. Some experiments he ran was when he gathered 14 Gypsy twins and watched them sleep as he injected chloroform in their hearts. He then dissected the bodies and took notes on each piece. He also ran an experiment where he would inject chemicals in children's eyes in attempt to change the color of their eyes. He also performed surgery such as sex-change surgery.
Shiro Ishii had his own lab called Unit 731, 14 miles from Harbin, Japan. In his lab, he would mix deadly pathogens which would create disease such anthrax, plague, gas gangrene, smallpox and botulism. He would use Chinese prisoners to eat and inject his deadly pathogen brew. Thousands of Chinese prisoners were killed due to Ishii's creations of prosperity.
The Holocaust and Nanking were horrible events that killed many of the innocent. However, we look at these tragic events and remember to never again let history repeat itself. Sure, there is innocent killings happening around the world all the time, but we got to make sure to try to decrease the violence going on and try to make the world a peaceful place.
Probably the worst thing Germany did was exterminate 6 million Jews known as the Holocaust. A population of 5 million people that were Poles, Gypsies, Homosexuals or mentally/physical handicapped people were also killed bringing a total death toll to 11 million. 11 million innocent people had their blood shed because they weren't liked by Nazis ran by their nutcase leader Adolf Hitler. We see images of poor prisoners in concentration camps slowly dying due to terrible conditions or seeing their innocent eyes in pain as they await a fate that ends with them getting gassed. Atrocious, but all true. America may remember Japan the most for the bombing of Pearl Harbor, but the overtaking of Nanking, China was very barbaric. They killed thousands of Chinese men, women and children. Soldiers would rape innocent and females and toss infants by bayonets. How can people go through with this? All soldiers were brainwashed by dictators, who not only owned their countries, but the minds of the civilians.
Now we look at two doctors who weren't really the kind of doctor you wouldn't want to see call you into their room as you wait in the waiting room. These weren't doctors that tried to nurse you full health, but use you as a lab rat to get ideas how to nurse people to death. These doctors were Josef Mengele of Germany and Shiro Ishii of Japan. Josef Mengele was known as the "Angel of Death." He would run tests on small, innocent children prisoners at concentration camps. He would put his "patients" in pressure chambers, test them with drugs, castrate them and then freeze them to death. Some experiments he ran was when he gathered 14 Gypsy twins and watched them sleep as he injected chloroform in their hearts. He then dissected the bodies and took notes on each piece. He also ran an experiment where he would inject chemicals in children's eyes in attempt to change the color of their eyes. He also performed surgery such as sex-change surgery.
Shiro Ishii had his own lab called Unit 731, 14 miles from Harbin, Japan. In his lab, he would mix deadly pathogens which would create disease such anthrax, plague, gas gangrene, smallpox and botulism. He would use Chinese prisoners to eat and inject his deadly pathogen brew. Thousands of Chinese prisoners were killed due to Ishii's creations of prosperity.
The Holocaust and Nanking were horrible events that killed many of the innocent. However, we look at these tragic events and remember to never again let history repeat itself. Sure, there is innocent killings happening around the world all the time, but we got to make sure to try to decrease the violence going on and try to make the world a peaceful place.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Let's Go to War
My fellow Americans, it’s time to gear up and get involved
in the World War. We Americans must build up our military and make it more
powerful and stronger so it can protect America from faltering under attacking
countries. The German Empire has taken a violent control of Belgium and has
sunk the British ship Lusitania. We must put a stop to the malicious German
Empire before they destroy the whole world. Belgium is our ally and so is Great
Britain. Our ally Serbia attempted to assassinate the Archduke of Austria Franz
Ferdinand and succeeded. Austria-We can let them keep destroying our allies. We
must unite with the French Republic, the British Republic, Italy, and Japan to
try to defeat the axis powers including Germany and Austria – Hungary.
We must show to the world we are powerful and we have a
whole lot of pride that we are not afraid to show. We are not afraid of anyone.
We show a whole lot of nationalism which may be okay in order to show the whole
world that if we enter the war, there will be a big storm coming. If we still
want to be free and to prevent our allies from being destroyed. We all fight
together and must put an end to all axis powers. Let’s all take a stand and
enter the war that will let liberty ring forever.
Friday, December 12, 2014
Torture is Sometimes Alright.......Just Kidding.. It's Messed Up Even to People Who Deserve It
Tickle torture was the probably the only type of torture these terrorists wanted to go through. Yes, the torture of terrorists has surfaced on shallow waters recently. Terrorists have been a pain in the American rear for awhile, but when Americans like the CIA get ahold of these terrorists, they have been tortured. Many dollars have been put in for a sadistic reason. Is the torture of terrorists getting crossed a line?
For example, detainees are held in an old abandoned brick building by the CIA north of Kabul. They call this the "Salt Pit." It sounds like a place that if you have a cut, you're going to have a bad time. From a report by the Senate Intelligence Committee, one detainee was left in dark shadows under a barrage of shrieking music, shackled and hooded, and handcuffed to an overhead bar for 22 hours a day. Another was dragged through the dirt and grime through the corridors with his mouth taped shut. His captors slammed and punched him and chained him to concrete floor with no pants. According to officials, he died of "hypothermia". I highly doubt it.
Our U.S. military paid $80 million to develop torture tactics. They paid this type of money you could win playing the lottery to two psychologists. Some tactics include waterboarding and mock burials. I don't understand why we pay $80 million for barbarous reasons, when we could be spending the money to stop world hunger or donating for better living in undeveloped countries.
After 9/11, the CIA asked military doctors to break ethical codes and torture suspected terrorists or detainees for intelligence gathering and to get information. Methods used were the popular choice waterboarding and sleep deprivation. Isn't there a better way to gather info without being so vicious.
Terrorists have done some bad things to our country and to the citizens of our beautiful land. However, I don't think it is right to torture these individuals, even if they do deserve it. They are human too! They feel pain physically and psychologically, just like you and me. To answer if the line is being crossed when it comes to torturing terrorists, I believe we are a lot. We should all take 1,000 steps back and get behind that line! Peace.
For example, detainees are held in an old abandoned brick building by the CIA north of Kabul. They call this the "Salt Pit." It sounds like a place that if you have a cut, you're going to have a bad time. From a report by the Senate Intelligence Committee, one detainee was left in dark shadows under a barrage of shrieking music, shackled and hooded, and handcuffed to an overhead bar for 22 hours a day. Another was dragged through the dirt and grime through the corridors with his mouth taped shut. His captors slammed and punched him and chained him to concrete floor with no pants. According to officials, he died of "hypothermia". I highly doubt it.
Our U.S. military paid $80 million to develop torture tactics. They paid this type of money you could win playing the lottery to two psychologists. Some tactics include waterboarding and mock burials. I don't understand why we pay $80 million for barbarous reasons, when we could be spending the money to stop world hunger or donating for better living in undeveloped countries.
After 9/11, the CIA asked military doctors to break ethical codes and torture suspected terrorists or detainees for intelligence gathering and to get information. Methods used were the popular choice waterboarding and sleep deprivation. Isn't there a better way to gather info without being so vicious.
Terrorists have done some bad things to our country and to the citizens of our beautiful land. However, I don't think it is right to torture these individuals, even if they do deserve it. They are human too! They feel pain physically and psychologically, just like you and me. To answer if the line is being crossed when it comes to torturing terrorists, I believe we are a lot. We should all take 1,000 steps back and get behind that line! Peace.
Friday, December 5, 2014
A Very Muckraking Society
The word muckraking sounds like a word Dr. Seuss would use in one of his books. But what is muckraking? Muckraking is the action of searching out and publicizing scandalous information about famous people or a famous company in an underhanded way. Many newspapers, documentaries, and magazines muckrake all the time to make someone look mad and throw someone under the bus. I found one example of muckraking that involves the biggest humanitarian organization of all time, the Red Cross. In this article of writing, ProPublica, a non-profit newsroom that investigates journalism, went undercover to find facts about the Hurricane Sandy relief efforts Red Cross tried to give in 2012. Red Cross called their efforts "flawless" but ProPublica thought differently.
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Document that talks about sheltered children near sex offenders |
ProPublica found ten things that they found disturbing. One of the things they found in a document from Red Cross was that they sheltered children near sex offenders. This document states that sex offenders had a special place, but none of them were there. They were all in the children's area. It also says unrelated adults showered with children. Wow!
They also say the Red Cross took emergency vehicles away from aid work and used them as props at press events. They had 15 emergency vehicles reassigned for PR purposes after the storm. Also, ProPublica found that Red Cross threw out 35,000 perfectly good Danishes because they didn't know where to deliver them. It left victims hungry. They found in a written document that disable victims were left in their wheelchairs for days.
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Wheelchair Victims |
ProPublica also found that Red Cross didn't have batteries to give out with flashlights, but they did supply pork to a Jewish retirement home. ProPublica also found that Red Cross sent 80 vehicles that were empty. They only sent the vehicles to be seen and make them look good. They also did this during Hurricane Isaac.
A couple other things ProPublica found was that Red Cross sent hundreds of volunteers to a city that wasn't in Hurricane Isaac's path. 90% of Red Cross volunteers dispatched for Hurricane Isaac were stationed in Tampa ahead of the 2012 GOP convention. The last thing they found was about the Red Cross officials on the site of Sandy. Officials said they were undermined by headquarters. That means they were weakened.
If all of this is true, ProPublica really tried to make Red Cross look like a kindergarten-ran organization. That is the beauty of muckraking. If you can make a big celebrity or a huge organization, like Red Cross, look really terrible, congratulations, you have mastered the art of muckraking. Welcome to a very muckraking society!!!
A couple other things ProPublica found was that Red Cross sent hundreds of volunteers to a city that wasn't in Hurricane Isaac's path. 90% of Red Cross volunteers dispatched for Hurricane Isaac were stationed in Tampa ahead of the 2012 GOP convention. The last thing they found was about the Red Cross officials on the site of Sandy. Officials said they were undermined by headquarters. That means they were weakened.
If all of this is true, ProPublica really tried to make Red Cross look like a kindergarten-ran organization. That is the beauty of muckraking. If you can make a big celebrity or a huge organization, like Red Cross, look really terrible, congratulations, you have mastered the art of muckraking. Welcome to a very muckraking society!!!
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