Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Gun Control in America

Gun Control has become a major issue in America. It seems like every time we tune into the evening news, someone was killed by a firearm or someone was arrested due to having possession of a gun in a public place. Then you got your gun activists that rally to keep their guns and cry out that President Obama can't take away guns because that would be breaking an amendment. However, would the banning of guns really solve the problem?

First of all, our second amendment states "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." In simpler terms, it means you have a right to keep your gun and government shouldn't be trying to take them away. This amendment was established in 1791. This amendment might the most controversial thing that is over two-hundred years old! If the government decided that two-hundred and twenty three years ago that keeping guns is okay, why does it seem present day government is trying to get rid of it?

President Obama signed twenty-three gun orders back in February. These orders were issued in order to ban the use assault weapons and to implant a universal background check system.  He made these measures without the help of congress because he has the power to do so. That is maybe why not many people that rely on the news for information didn't realize this happened. Besides, why would the media show progress of banning gun control when they would rather tell how someone was shot.

Media makes America seem like one of the scariest places to live in. The news will cover a story on someone being shot and killed. Movies and television show frequent gun use, which could leave a negative impact onto whoever watches it. For example, if a kid watches a movie and his favorite actor is shown shooting people up, that kid might get the wrong idea and may want to shoot a person because "his role model" does. Most of all, the video games that we play now days mostly consist of some type of shooting and using a gun. A video game like that may be played by an insane person, which may lead to troublesome chaos.

Now, the insane person leads to my conclusion. Should guns be banned or should the people be banned? A gun doesn't kill a person. A gun doesn't pull its own trigger. It's a person that has a finger on a trigger and unleashes a bullet into another person. Instead of making laws to ban guns, we should be banning idiots who don't know how to properly use a gun. If people all of a sudden started killing people with pencils, would the government then put a ban on pencils? Sounds silly, but it's almost the same idea.

The reason government is trying to get rid of it is because more and more people are using the gun improperly. The reason our President passed those twenty-three orders was because it was a response to the Sandy Hook shooting back in December of 2012. You know who started the massacre? The answer: a mentally ill person. People are the reason of gun violence! You can't really pass gun laws that ban human beings, but you sure can ban the guns that have no control of who they're about to shoot. If we don't take control of the yahoos that buy firearms, America might be in jeopardy!


  1. Hey Sammy, your blog seemed pretty good! Your blog was very interesting, and you used some sweet words in it. your comment about how guns don't kill people, my opinion is that a gun is a easy tool to use to kill someone.

  2. This was a good blog. I liked that you put links in to the pages of information. I liked how you tied in the Sandy Hook massacre also.

  3. Your blog was good. I think that the comment about how guns don't kill people because it can't pull it's own trigger was a good statement. The media part was also good it is true that some people do think that since their role model is shooting someone they could easily go do that to.

  4. I agree with Mr. Reints, this is a good blog. I liked the fact that you put the Sandy hook massacre. Also you had a good idea that the government should ban people incapable of using the guns. I also agree that the media is trying to scare the public with guns.

  5. Nice blog, I like how you point out the fact that the 2nd amendment is one of the oldest additions to the constitution. I however disagree that it is still interpreted the same way, back in the day they were talking about muskets and flint lock pistols. Now we have created much easier ways to kill each other. I do have to agree with you about the ban on people.

  6. I like how you have told that guns are bad, but I don't think that they should be banded, many people use guns for recreational use. I agree that you think guns don't kill people, people kill people. I have also done a paper on violent video games and it is true that video games can lead mentally ill people using guns to solve problems.

  7. I really liked your blog and thought it was very interesting! I also believe that the news is very negative and never really has anything positive on it. I also really liked your relation to the pencil idea, that's a very good "point". HAHA GET IT? :)

  8. Good blog. I agree that it takes a person to pull the trigger. I like how you compare a ban on guns to a ban on pencils. I also like the last sentence in the third paragraph.

  9. I like how you pose the question in your second paragraph, why is our present government trying to ban them,? I totally agree with you on the its a mental illness problem. Overall good blog. Made me laugh.

  10. there is always something going on with American news today like you said someone is always killed or run over. it makes it look like we r the scariest place ever. I really like this blog, it has a lot of information on it which is great help.

  11. I like this blog very much but I do not like that you blamed movies and video games. I play violent video games and watch violent movies and I am not a violent person.
