Friday, December 12, 2014

Torture is Sometimes Alright.......Just Kidding.. It's Messed Up Even to People Who Deserve It

Tickle torture was the probably the only type of torture these terrorists wanted to go through. Yes, the torture of terrorists has surfaced on shallow waters recently. Terrorists have been a pain in the American rear for awhile, but when Americans like the CIA get ahold of these terrorists, they have been tortured. Many dollars have been put in for a sadistic reason. Is the torture of terrorists getting crossed a line?

For example, detainees are held in an old abandoned brick building by the CIA north of Kabul. They call this the "Salt Pit." It sounds like a place that if you have a cut, you're going to have a bad time. From a report by the Senate Intelligence Committee,  one detainee was left in dark shadows under a barrage of shrieking music, shackled and hooded, and handcuffed to an overhead bar for 22 hours a day. Another was dragged through the dirt and grime through the corridors with his mouth taped shut. His captors slammed and punched him and chained him to concrete floor with no pants. According to officials, he died of "hypothermia". I highly doubt it.

Our U.S. military paid $80 million to develop torture tactics. They paid this type of money you could win playing the lottery to two psychologists.  Some tactics include waterboarding and mock burials. I don't understand why we pay $80 million for barbarous reasons, when we could be spending the money to stop world hunger or donating for better living in undeveloped countries.

After 9/11, the CIA asked military doctors to break ethical codes and torture suspected terrorists or detainees for intelligence gathering and to get information. Methods used were the popular choice waterboarding and sleep deprivation. Isn't there a better way to gather info without being so vicious.

Terrorists have done some bad things to our country and to the citizens of our beautiful land. However, I don't think it is right to torture these individuals, even if they do deserve it. They are human too! They feel pain physically and psychologically, just like you and me. To answer if the line is being crossed when it comes to torturing terrorists, I believe we are a lot. We should all take 1,000 steps back and get behind that line! Peace.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your entire blog. Terrorists have done bad things to our country and should be punished because of it, but the torturing methods are not the right way to do it. I think we could use alternative ways to gather information about terrorism. I like your closing paragraph where you talk about them being human and being able to feel pain both physically and psychologically just like everybody else. Good blog Sam!
